MaineMana’s Readership Community
For generations, tradition has dictated prioritizing the repetitive routine of working, earning, and working again so much that personal passions and family are often put on the back burner. Yet, it’s never too late to break free from this cycle. At MaineMana, I aim to attract like-minded individuals who are bold enough to pursue their dreams and inspire them to jumpstart a self-fulfillment journey so they can live their best lives. I strive to nurture a readership community that values self-fulfillment and the pursuit of happiness.
Break Free from the Chains of Corporate Life
Discovering the quote, “You are either working to achieve your dream or getting paid by someone else to achieve theirs.” was a wake-up call for me. Millions of people worldwide are working ridiculous hours to help realize someone else’s vision just to survive. I want to help these individuals break free from corporate America or wherever they are from and work toward a life they want even before retirement age. Hopefully, my readership community can learn from each other’s and my self-fulfillment journey.
Send Me a Message
For comments, feedback, and questions, feel free to reach out to me today. I’d love to hear from my readership community about their self-fulfillment journey or how my blog has helped them.